Providing Friendly & Effective Tuition Since 2005
Professional Art Tutor in Brighton & Hove + Online (all of UK)
Oil Painting Lessons, Drawing Lessons,
Art for Kids, GCSE & A Level Art Coursework
Art Studio - 28 York Place, Brighton
call / text 07939321765 email
Home Education
Many parents now home school their children in the UK. If done correctly to include all of the needed teaching and social activities it can be very successful. And it can allow the freedom to focus upon subjects of particular interest.
There are numerous organisations out there now who support home schooling by providing information, advice and even correspondence courses, such as Oxford Home Schooling.
Home Schooling Art
Home schooling art can be a little more tricky than other subjects when it comes to GCSE and A Level. Due to the coursework elements of both GCSE and A Level Art, exam boards do not accept private candidates (students entering for exams whilst not enrolled on an official course). For example, neither Edexcel or AQA provide for private candidates wishing to take GCSE Art & Design. The best option used to be Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design, which required no coursework assessment, but unfortunately they have also now discontinued offering this to private candidates.
Art Lessons for Home Education Students
Home schooling lessons are offered for primary, secondary and older students.
Lessons can be designed to concentrate on drawing and painting skills for education and enjoyment. The history of art can also be covered as a very rewarding accompaniment.