Student's Message

 " I really wanted to write an email just to thank you for the help that you gave me through the past  year with my art A level. I can't quite still believe it in my own mind, but I got an A* overall. It’s incredible how much my skill improved since AS and I really feel I took a huge leap between the two years. I have you to thank for that along with the support from my parents, that I really appreciate all the help and support that you gave me.  I wouldn't have been able to make it into such a good university without your help! "  


Parents' Message

"Thank you, Sonny, for helping teach our son different aspects of painting and drawing for the last 4 years in which time Jay's work has developed and broadened enormously. He was able to include a couple of pieces he painted with you as part of his portfolio for a successful Art Scholarship to Charterhouse School and we are in no doubt of the valuable contribution you made in helping him obtain that award. Your skill, knowledge and enthusiasm has had such a strong impact on Jay and  we would highly recommend you to any budding art student looking to expand and improve their art skills. In fact, Jay has asked if he can continue to have art lessons with you so you may well be seeing him again soon! Thank you so much for all your help."  

Art Lessons for Kids in Brighton & Hove
A Level Art Tutor in Brighton & Hove
Oil Painting Lessons in Brighton & Hove

Art Tutor in Brighton & Hove

The Benefits of One-to-One Art Lessons With a Professional Art Tutor

Investing in some one-to-one art lessons with a professional art tutor can be a great way for anyone to develop their creative skills or help a family member reach their creative goals. Whether it be to help your child develop their drawing and painting skills with fun projects, or coaching on GCSE and A Level Art coursework to achieve a higher grade, or to really lean how to paint in oils as either a highly rewarding pastime or a new career path, one-to-one art lessons are tailored to each individual's needs in order to maximise their unique potential.

Also see:

Art Courses

Art Classes

Drawing Lessons

Art Lessons for Kids

GCSE Art Lessons

A Level Art Lessons