Fees & Special Offers

Hourly Fees (pay as you go)

Primary - £30 per hour


Secondary = £35 per hour


A Level & Adult Learners (Drawing & Painting) - £40 per hour


Special Offers


10 hours paid in advance recieves a 5% discount


20 hours paid in advance recieves a 7.5% discount


30 hours paid in advance recieves a 10% discount

Small Classes

The hourly fees are as one-to-one lessons above plus £10 per additional person.  If the class consists of a mixture of adults and children, the adult hourly fee will apply.

Updated Rates in September 2024

From the 1st of September 2024, the one-to-one hourly fees will be:

£40 for primary, lower secondary & GCSE

£50 for A Level / Adult Learners

view full information on fees >